Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Writing J.D. Hayworth's Political Obituary By Matt Lewis

Sen. John McCain is out with a new campaign TV ad this week, titled "Vital.".

The fact that McCain is closing out his campaign with a positive ad (it does not mention his opponent by name) seems to imply McCain believes the race is essentially over. (The primary takes place Aug. 24.)

You can watch the ad here:


Not only does the McCain team apparently think a win is now in the bag for McCain, the media seems to agree.

As Monday's Arizona Capitol Times notes, Conservative former Rep. J.D. Hayworth still hopes to unseat Sen. John McCain, but most polling shows the race is effectively over.

McCain has spent nearly $20 million during the past six months in aggressively attacking Hayworth's credibility and conservative credentials.Political analysts argue that much of McCain's success is based on Hayworth being a flawed candidate.

For example, as
The Arizona Republic reported on Sunday,
"Part of Hayworth's problem in this race from day one is that he was not a perfect candidate," said Jennifer Duffy, who analyzes Senate
races for the nonpartisan "Cook Political Report" in Washington. "It's hard to run as an outsider when you've spent so much time in Congress.

The Republic went on to add that, McCain also capitalized on the discovery in June of video footage of Hayworth as a late-night TV pitchman for National Grants Conferences. The 2007 infomercial, for a company that has been criticized by consumer advocates for its misleading claims about the availability of "free" government money, provided more fodder for McCain's anti-Hayworth TV ads. . .

"That government giveaway thing was just deadly," said
Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. "It was impossible to take that guy seriously after you watched that clip."

The primary is just over a week away, and as Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over till it's over." Hayworth continues to hammer McCain over immigration, but barring a major McCain gaffe, it's hard to imagine Hayworth closing the gap in this race.

A few months ago, Hayworth trailed McCain by single digits. A recent Talking Points Memo poll average shows McCain leading 53.6 percent to 32.1 percent.

1 comment:

Republican said...

It takes courage, integrity, insight and morals to make it in Congress, not to mention the respect from your peers. JD cannot accomplish anything because his reputation, his lack of brains, his history on spending all make him out to be a lousy politician.