Monday, August 02, 2010

We Have a Secret Weapon to defeat Obama's Arizona Lawsuit

Bolton’s ruling on SB 1070 is just a setback, not a defeat
By Kevin “Coach” Collins

Abraham Lincoln said, “To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men.” I’ve looked around, Abe and I don’t see many cowards.

As frustrating as this idiot Democrat judge’s ruling is we, the American patriots of today, must turn to our rule of law to restore us to our natural state of freedom.
We have to shake off the damage from Judge Susan Bolton’s ruling because we have much work to do and no time for resting if we are to save our country. We are the heirs to the greatness of America and the only hope for restoring Constitutional government.
Our belief in the greatness of America can and will break the chains of Marxism Obama and his Democrats have wrapped around us. The potent legal weapon we have is the Tenth Amendment, and a showdown on its power is coming and now unavoidable.

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