Thursday, August 05, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner August 5, 2010

I’ve just been looking at the returns from the primary elections yesterday in Michigan and Missouri. Neither state has party registration, which means that voters can choose to vote in either the Republican or the Democratic primary.

In both states both parties had relatively congruent top-ticket races. Both had seriously contested governor races in Michigan and both had lopsided primaries with clear favorites for U.S. senator in Missouri. These circumstances make relative turnout a good gauge of the balance of enthusiasm in both states.

The big news is that in both states nearly twice as many voters chose to participate in the Republican primary as in the Democratic primary.

Byron York - Justice Department steers money to favored groups

The Justice Department has found a new way to pursue civil rights lawsuits, using the powers of the Civil Rights Division not just to win compensation for victims of alleged discrimination but also to direct large sums of money to activist groups that are not discrimination victims and not connected to a particular suit.

Julie Mason - More blame Obama for bad economy than Bush

Ahead of Friday's critical jobs report, a new poll finds more Americans blame President Obama than his predecessor for continued economic woes.
Forty-eight percent of likely voters blame Obama's policies for the nation's economic condition, compared to 47 percent who fault former President George W. Bush, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Although the difference is small and within the margin of error, the poll marks the first time in Obama's presidency that more people blame him than Bush for the economy.

Susan Ferrechio - Senate passes $26.1 billion state aid package

A $26.1 billion aid package for states and teachers cleared a critical Senate hurdle on Wednesday despite overwhelming opposition from Republicans who say the legislation is fiscally irresponsible and a gift to labor unions.

David Freddoso - Newsweek already proving it was overvalued at $1

I read this, and I’m convinced that someone overpaid for Newsweek.

The Tea Party’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night
Really? I watched the election results, too, and that thought didn’t cross my mind.

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Rezko’s pals reunite tomorrow at fundraiser

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