Monday, August 23, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner August 23, 2010

The current GOP fault line is not exactly conservatives vs. moderates or new guard vs. old guard. For 2010, the rivalry is the Tea Party wing against the K Street wing. To tell which kind of Republican a candidate is, see how the Democrats attack him: If he’s branded a shill for Wall Street, he’s from the K Street wing. If he’s labeled an extremist outside the mainstream, he’s a Tea Partier.

Michael Barone - Economic doldrums leave Americans in no mood for Obama’s liberal agenda
The Arizona law and the ground zero mosque issues are not likely to be dispositive issues in most congressional races this year. But they are additional baggage for the Obama Democrats who find themselves, as the economy languishes, on the defensive on the issues they thought would win over the bitter clingers.

Mark Hemingway - Questions arise as millions in federal grants go to former employers of Obama administration officials

In July, the Obama administration established a new $50 million federal “Social Innovation Fund” aimed at financing successful nonprofit programs. According to this New York Times report, it looks like the program is potentially rife with conflicts of interest and has made questionable grants:

Mark Tapscott - Obama knew Gulf drilling ban would cost at least 23,000 jobs

Federal court documents examined by The Wall Street Journal reveal a July 10 memo to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar from Michael Bromwich in which he estimated that "a six-month deepwater-drilling halt would result in 'lost direct employment' affecting approximately 9,450 workers and 'lost jobs from indirect and induced effects' affecting about 13,797 more.'"
If I didn’t know better, I’d say Dean sounds like someone preparing for a 2012 primary challenge.

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