The problem for Obama is that most opponents of the mosque probably believe his words on Friday were a more accurate statement of his beliefs than his clarification on Saturday. Making things still worse, many mosque supporters likely believe the same thing. So Obama has managed to simultaneously irritate the 68 percent of Americans who, according to a recent CNN poll, oppose the mosque, and the 29 percent who support it.
Now, we are beginning to see the extent of the damage Obama's stand has done to a Democratic Party already anxious about its prospects this November.
The increasing numbers of fighters linked to a Pakistani terrorist group who have been killed or captured in Afghanistan this month illustrates the network's growing role in the violence there, officials told The Washington Examiner.
The Haqqani network, based in Pakistan, is working with al Qaeda to conduct suicide missions and combat operations against U.S. coalition forces in Afghanistan, according to Afghan and U.S. defense officials. More than 50 Haqqani fighters have been captured or killed in operations since Aug 1, along with the capture of eight commanders, a U.S. spokesman in Afghanistan said.
Politics is dirty. Politicians, operatives, activists, and spokesmen typically lie, abuse, and cheat in order to win. Both sides do it.
But usually, you expect journalists and even pundits to play the game a bit more honestly — at least you hope their advocacy of an issue will be constrained by fairness and the truth.
But lately, some Lefty scribblers have been pretty open about their willingness to be cut-throat operatives with a byline.
Democrats like to characterize themselves as the party of “the guy who showers after work, not before.”
The people bankrolling the continuation of Obama’s agenda — the ones he’ll be mixing it up with tonight in Hollywood for a major Democratic Party fundraiser — don’t take showers. They take baths in tubs of caviar:
On Saturday, the Los Angeles Times began publishing a hard-hitting analysis on teacher performance. Today, the Los Angeles Times is reporting that union leaders are threatening the paper as a result:
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