Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Senators McCain and Coburn Release Report On Wasteful Stimulus

August 03, 2010 at 10:50 AM MST

Today, Senators McCain and Coburn released a new oversight report: “Summertime Blues: 100 Stimulus Projects that Give Taxpayers the Blues.” The report, a third in a series, highlights questionable stimulus projects that are wasteful, mismanaged, and overall unsuccessful in creating jobs.

Download the full report here.

Examples of wasteful projects include:

- $762,372 to create “Dance Draw”
interactive dance software

- $1.9 million for international ant research

- $1.8 million for a road project that is threatening a pastor’s home

- $308 million for a joint clean energy venture with…BP

- $89,298 to replace a new sidewalk that leads to a ditch in Boynton, OK

- $200,000 to help Siberian communities lobby Russian policy makers

- $760,000 to Georgia Tech to study improvised music

- $700,000 to study why monkeys respond negatively to

- $193,956 to study voter perceptions of the economic stimulus

- $363,760 to help NIH promote the positive impacts of stimulus projects

- $456,663 to study the circulation of Neptune’s atmosphere

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