Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As other blogs have done, here are MY predictions for the outcome of today's Primary elections:

(NOTE: I am not going to do a list of every single race, just the ones that really matter and/or I know about)




This is the real 'mystery' race of all of them. 10 candidates vying for Congressman John Shadegg's seat. The polling in this race is close.

With the recent fall of Ben
"Brock Landers" Quayle, some insiders think Steve Moak is the beneficiary of Quayle's downfall. I think , even though he has been outspent over 4 to 1 by Moak, former LD-7 State Senator JIM WARING is going to win this race by the narrowest of margins. Waring has been a bulldog on the campaign trail; knocking on thousands of doors in the 4 Legislative Districts that make up CD-3.

If Moak wins, it proves that a seat in Congress can be bought.

This could go either way, but I think Waring will prevail in a squeaker!

The most divisive race so far this cycle, the TOM HORNE - Andy Thomas contest is easily the nastiest this year.

The polls I have seen on this race show Horne ahead. People I speak to in Southern AZ tell me Thomas has no chance there.

With the
recent articles on Thomas and the 'bombshell' released by County Attorney Rick Romley, Conservatives have been abandoning the Thomas campaign in droves.

With all that said, I believe Tom Horne will win by 10%! The Dems are salivating at the chance that Thomas wins.


This is the one race that the 'Wackos' might win. Joe Arpaio doesn't want Rick Romley and has made that point known with TV ads. (Careful Joe, what you did in 2010, MAY happen to you in 2012?).

Bill Montgomery is a Veteran who graduated from West Point. The only misgiving I have with him is this....'Will he be a pawn of Sheriff Arpaio like the previous County Attorney?' He says NO!

This will be a close race and I think Romley wins but by the narrowest of margins. The winner is the new County Attorney as no Dem ran for this office.



This is the showdown between BILL KONOPNICKI & Sylvia Allen. Konopnicki is the longtime State Representative from LD-5.

All the polling shows Konopnicki with a 7 point lead. Konopnicki wins by 7!


Interesting contest between SEN. DAVID BRASWELL & Lori Klein. No real polling in this race, but my contacts within LD-6 tell me that Braswell has worked hard going door-to-door, phone banking, etc, etc.

Anthem is the biggest draw in the District & my sources tell me they are tired of the 'Wackos'!

Sen. Dave Braswell by 5%!


7 person race. Incumbents AMANDA REEVE & Carl Seel have the name recognition. Seel & his 'partner' David Fitzgerald, who gave $$$ to Hillary Clinton are running as a team.

I think Reeve comes in 1st place, the other seat is up for grabs. For me, ANYBODY BUT SEEL & FITZGERALD. We have enough
"DEADBEATS" in politics already.

All of you who read PM know of my support for Gov. Jan Brewer (from Day 1 of her campaign). She has come far in such a short time. Rock Star Jan is what we call her now.

That's it! We will see later tonight just how my predictions were. One last prediction: Voter Turnout today will be around 25% which will be a bit higher than projected

1 comment:

AZDad said...

Congratulations to Sen. McCain. He really trounced JD.

I hope Jim can pull ahead of Quayle. We don't need a carpetbagger in CD3. Especially one that is trying to buy his way in.

Jim will make a fine, Conservative Congressman.