Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from the economy is caught in a web: "The American people are presently faced with a choice — between a future of continued misery, which is all Barack Obama, the central planners, congressional Democrats and establishment Republicans offer. Or a future of smaller government and personal liberty. Now is the time for change."
The Economy is Caught in a Web
Snapshot of economy got a lot bleaker
Most fiscally irresponsible government in history
Q2 GDP estimates revised downward to 1.6%
School district considers GPS tracking of students
Dorsal fins surround White House
Standing on principle or battling America's will?
GOP's Christie is a rising national star
Video: Christie rips Feds for clerical error
"Moral Hazard" in politics
Fire Tim Geithner says Democrat Rep. Tom Periello
Taking economic liberty seriously
Investing other people's money
Read more at NetRightDaily.com.
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