Monday, August 23, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for August 23, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
Mari Del Carmen Aponte, an Obama nominee for Ambassador to El Salvador, who has a questionable past: "Is Aponte a loyalty risk or not? Barack Obama's recess appointment has sidestepped the constitutional Senate confirmation process to avoid having this question answered, leaving it open to interpretation by both the American people and foreign states. Without a full accounting, the American people must assume the worst."

Are Republicans losing the race to the bottom?

Radical recess appointments reveal the real Obama

Bury Keynesian voodoo before it buries us

Cartoon of the day, "Campaigning with Obama"

Public is is no mood for Obama's liberal agenda

New Jersey business owners seek repeal of Cap & Trade

On Green Energy, America is following the wrong path

The Republican Divide: K Street vs. Tea Partiers

GOP poised to win big in governor's races

Kill Fannie, Freddie

Could 2010 be worse for Dems than '94?

Peak everything

An easily tested hypothesis


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