Friday, August 20, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for August 20, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
explicit government guarantees of Fannie and Freddie: "The American people have already seen what the government's implicit guarantee of Fannie-Freddie securities caused over the past three years, which was a lack of risk aversion on the part of lenders and borrowers. Investors may want to take bets without having to be exposed to any downside risk, but that's how we got into this mess. Let's not repeat the same mistakes."

U.S. deficit forecast masks true scope of problem

Cartoon of the day, "If this was recovery summer, what will autumn be?"

It's time for Robin Hood to back off

Issa: White House 'fibbed' on Gulf cleanup progress

ACORN sprouts new branches

Barney Frank: Abolish Fannie, Freddie but guarantee mortgages…

Social Security hasn't aged well

The West Wing is on notice…

Live Free or Die, but not in Maryland

Animal economics, unleashed


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