Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from Inside that $10 billion in education funding are some mandatory provisions…: "This is completely unconstitutional, as it coerces states to accept the terms and conditions that come with the money. The federal government has no power to compel states to spend money on a mandatory basis, but that is exactly what this law does."
Obama's transparency charade continues
States forced to take $10 billion in education funds should sue
Deficit in July totals $165.04 billion…
Obama attorney with SEIU ties should be investigated
Obama's state capitalism: A failure of modesty
Cartoon of the day, "Rangel's Vacation"
The Trade Deficit widening should be praised
This is what it's come too…
Unemployment claims have risen to highest level in 6 months
Democrats are in fantasy land
Conservative groups call out the FCC over internet regulations
What does the $26.1 billion bailout actually do?
Free trade, now
Big Labor: Dems' true priority
NBC/WSJ poll shows rejection of "Recovery Summer" meme
Rep. Grayson on Gibbs: "Bozo the Spokesman"
A holiday from fiscal responsibility
Reports of the Earth's death are greatly exaggerated
Read more at NetRightDaily.com.
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