Wednesday, August 11, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for August 11, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from
House Passes States Bailout: "The House has once again voted to forestall the day of reckoning for bankrupt states, which really do need to cut spending. While Americans struggle to balance their family budgets, government has become the only sector of the economy that has not faced cuts during this recession. Since Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took over Congress in 2007 when the recession began, the federal government has added $4.3 trillion to the $13.3 trillion national debt."

States should reject $26.1 billion bailout

Pelosi shoots down lame duck prohibition resolution

Democrats, advocacy groups blast food stamps cuts to fund teachers bailouts

ObamaCare continues to wound Democrats

Life before industry

Tea Party infiltrator exposed posing as racist

The U.S. is bankrupt and we don't even know!

Stimulus pushers

Bloated public sector needs a crash diet

Kagan: A lost opportunity to debate federal government powers

How much government is enough?

Rangel has no shame


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