Wednesday, August 04, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for August 4, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
phony small business groups: "Those voices purporting to represent small business are in fact highly partisan, hyper-ideological partisans with a questionable agenda. The extremist views these individuals have taken have no credible base of support among America's job-generating small business community."

The reverse Smoot-Hawley act

House of entitlement

The 'right' kind of economic policies

This mid-term election year may mirror '66

Bob McDonnell continues to sell out conservatives

How complex is ObamaCare?

Is the CBC uniquely unethical?

Obama's advisers refuse to believe they're failing

Chris Christie: The scourge of Trenton

Tim Geithner's empty cheerleading

Jonah Goldberg: Nostalgia for Buckley is misplaced

Who are the real monsters in Arizona?


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