Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Negative Campaigning Attacks the Truth behind August Primary By Bill Konopnicki

As we move closer to the
August 24 primary I believe we can all feel the “heat” of election time and of the campaigns around our state. There are many interesting, highly contested and in some cases out-right negative campaigns taking place across our state this cycle.

I’ve seen many articles and posts expressing a similar sentiment when it comes to the negative campaigning. Citizens don’t like it, plain and simple. Often people remark on how they can tell more about a candidate or campaign from their attacks on others. I believe these things are true. I know I feel the same way about the negativity and attacks. It is never a pleasant thing to be involved in from any side.

That is why I have put forth a great deal of time, energy and effort in my campaign for State Senator to fight back against the constant
barrage of attacks that sprung forth from my primary opponent Sylvia Allen.

attacks started early and came often and have done anything but let up as we quickly approach the August 24 primary date. As a candidate you must learn to simultaneously brush these things off and fight against them at the same time. I’ll admit, at times it is difficult to ignore such erroneous, personal and absurd attacks.

However, in reaching out to my constituents, the voters of LD-5 I have found great strength in their concerns and
support. Their voices do not fall on deaf ears and I share the concerns of rural Arizona. I have lead the opposition against unfair shifts of state programs and expenses to the county taxpayer. In these difficult times when state government is making decisions that harm rural Arizona it is important to elect a State Senator that will fight for the citizens of rural Arizona. I believe I am that candidate.

I feel strongly that I bring much needed
leadership on budgeting, the economy and fiscal discipline. I have consistently, throughout my career, protected rural Arizona during difficult times from major budget cuts.

Every year I fight state efforts to micro-manage how rural communities run their cities, counties and schools. I know we in rural Arizona can manage our own affairs. I have always been pro-active on behalf of rural Arizona.

Most importantly I bring common sense and leadership. Key skills for a representative of any kind. This is why I am asking for your vote on August 24. I want to work with and for you to protect our rural communities. I am a proven leader that you can trust. I am not running on the coat-tails of others, I am not running on one or two issues and there are certainly no strings attached to my back being pulled by others. I am a common sense conservative voice for rural Arizona with a strong conservative background and common sense agenda that will make our lives in rural Arizona better.

One of the issues in this campaign as well as a regular topic for attack pieces from my opponent is educational institutions, quality education and better schools. I believe they are the key to the future of Arizona. My opponent Sylvia Tenney Allen believes they are an opportunity for her campaign. Teachers need to have a competitive pay rate and must posses the tools to do their jobs effectively. However, education must deliver on quality in a way that keeps costs in line for all of us. As an educator by training, I feel I understand the problems that face education in Arizona.

I will bring my leadership in helping to solve the educational problems of Arizona. I will continue to seek input from educators, parents, local school boards and the community to arrive at solutions that will improve the quality of Arizona’s education system.


Arizona needs someone who will have a strong voice for rural Arizona not simply a strong voice against others. My rural roots give me the drive and motivation to pursue and preserve our way of life and secure our future. After speaking with the voters of LD-5 I have no doubt that there is no one in this race that understands rural Arizona better than I. I am the voice Rural Arizona needs.

I will fight hard for you and I am asking you to do the same for me. Please vote for Bill Konopnicki for Arizona State Senate Legislative District 5 on August 24th. Share my website with your friends and family, Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Get the word out. We have a lot of work to do and together I know we will do a great job.

In Liberty,
Bill Konopnicki

Paid For By Bill Konopnicki for LD-5 Senate 2010!

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