Monday, August 09, 2010

Marcus Kelley Don't Bite the "Camera" That Feeds You!

Back in 2009, I received a call from a friend who was looking for someone to finance the purchase of a Video Camera for a 'future' podcast show on politics. I thought about it and made a call to my great friend Horst Kraus. Kraus, the longtime District 6 Secretary & Republican activist, said sure he would do it. I had my friend e-mail him what they wanted and a few weeks later, Horst purchase the Camera for them. Great story!!!

Well, the camera that Horst purchased is the one used to film Marcus Kelley's Grassroots Interviews, a show that interviews candidates and is published on the Sonoran Alliance.

You think Mr. Kelley would be grateful, but we received an e-mail where he had this to say about Horst Kraus:

From: Marcus Kelley []

Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:32


Cc: Horst Kraus

Subject: Re: A spoken Lie at the

As for Horst and his ability to give cash to campaigns, we all know where he gets that cash: his nudist ranch, Shangri La where he and other sickos cavort nude with children present. I couldn't care less if Horst doesn't know who I am. I've read enough about him, and from him, on Sonoran Alliance and heard enough about him from my political allies. I've been physically close enough at county and state party meetings to punch Horst in the face and he's never known it. I wouldn't want Horst to know who I am anyway, it would make my skin crawl.

WOW! I sure hope Mr. Kelley has a good attorney on retainer?

Marcus Kelley not only has said nasty things about Horst, he has done the same against Sen. McCain & our wonderful Governor Jan Brewer:

Source: The Sonoran Alliance

Source: Facebook

You can find more nastiness on his Twitter.

According to insiders, Marcus Kelley is the one who got Dean Martin to run for Governor. He sure did a 'Great Job' on that one? Now even Martin's 'pals' are bashing him!

The good thing....after the Primary election on August 24th, people like Marcus Kelley will be out looking for a new job. Time for Mr. Kelley to take his miserable self back to Washington D.C. where he belongs!!!


New American Rebel said...
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New American Rebel said...
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Marcus Kelley said...

You fat liar, I invite you to come down to United We Stand's headquarters and take a look at the camera we use for Grassroots Interviews. 10443 N Cave Creek Road, Phoenix 85020. It's NOT the one purchased by Horst for Rachel. It's a camera Nancy Huzar bought. Oh, that's right, you likely can't slither your fat carcass out of your house to be shown to your food-smeared face that you're a stupid fat liar who has NO CLUE what he's talking about. I tell you what else, you Jabba the Hutt wannabe slug, if the camera WAS Horsts, that RINO nudist freak could have the thing back. I want NOTHING from that lunatic.

You're also DEAD WRONG that it was me that got Dean to run for Governor. That decision was all Dean's. I had been wanting him to run ever since he won his Senate seat against your pal the RINO Tom Horne, but I was in no way, shape, or form instrumental in inciting Dean to run this time around. I was supportive of him, but I didn't start the ball rolling. Get your facts straight, liar.

Marcus kelley said...

Name calling? Who used the tag "Loser" on my article? I'm just returning the favor, you disgusting piece of human refuse.

I know how many e-ails you received: 0. You're a liar and your patently false article proves it. Since your article was 100% wrong, you didn't call anyone out but you sure as heck proved that you have exactly no credibility.

Know how I know I'm making an impact? Because you feel like you have to attack me. Thanks for the props, slug!

Can't wait until Horst comes on Roundtable Politics and I force him on air to admit we're not using his camera and you're nothing but a degenerate liar.

Marcus Kelley said...

More proof that you're a liar, Jeff? You falsely claim that I WANT to punch Horst in the face on your Facebook. You printed my private e-mail to Wes Harris here on this blog, but apparently you failed at reading comprehension in school. I never said I would punch Horst or that I wanted to. I said I had merely been close enough to do so. I'm sure that's a distinction that single neuron in your skull posing as a brain can't really process, but there IS a difference.

I don't condone violence. If I had, Horst would be bearing wounds.

To quote the Wild Bunch, "BLACK LIAR!"

Tony GOPrano said...

Your own words Mr. Kelley! You have no clue as to how many people just can't stand you. My phone has been ringing off the hook.

Keep talking; you are burying yourself everytime you open your big mouth.

Marcus Kelley said...

First it was e-mailing you, now it's calling you. You're so wrapped up in lies you can't even keep all your stories straight. Nobody's calling you because you only get about 60 hits a day. Nobody reads this POS blog. I wouldn't have known about your wholly perfidious hatchet job if it hadn't been for a Google Alert. What's so funny is, on Faceboo, you said you wanted to show how hypocritical I am. Then when the truth comes out that I've never used Horst's camera for Grassroots Interviews, you're not man enough, or honest enough, to admit you're wrong. How classless can you be, Jeff? Nevermind, I know the answer.

Rachel Alexander said...

Alright, alright, everyone step back, take a deep breath, and relax. There's only 14 days left to the primary and this intense level of feuding among Republicans will be all over (well, until next campaign cycle). It is truly unfortunate that we have such long primaries in Arizona where we end up beating on those in our party much more than we do the opposing party. It is true that when Jeff heard I wanted to start a local political video show, he kindly arranged for Horst Kraus to generously donate a video camera for the venture. That particular venture never quite took off, but the opportunity with United We Stand for Americans did, which is similar, so I brought the camera to use for it, and we did once or twice. The last few shows since then UWSFA has been using webcams. Marcus's Grassroots Interviews is not the same show as our Roundtable Politics, and I believe he uses UWSFA's webcams. Can we PLEASE all chill out now and give each other break on this until the general election?

Unknown said...

But it was soooo entertaining Rachel. I have a great idea for a new TV show, maybe we could use Horst's camera for that. Something like Celebrity Deathmatch, but with Republicans and Democrats slugging it out in person. Victor decides policy.

Unknown said...

I mean, if they're gonna feed us bread and circuses, they should at least amuse the masses.