Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Court declines Andrew Thomas' bid to end ethics probes by Michael Kiefer - The Arizona Republic

Aug. 3, 2010

The Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to consider petitions by former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and two of his former top aides seeking to stop investigations into his ethics as an attorney.

The high court did not give reasons why it refused to accept jurisdiction of the petitions, which are called special actions. Chief Justice Rebecca White Berch and Justice Michael Ryan did not participate in the decision.

In March, Berch ordered an inquiry into Thomas' behavior after a Superior Court judge ruled that Thomas acted unethically in his prosecution of Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox. The inquiry was prompted in part by the State Bar of Arizona, the semi-governmental agency that licenses and polices lawyers in the state.

The Bar asked that an outside investigator be appointed, and the court appointed Colorado attorney John Gleason.

The Arizona Supreme Court also appointed former Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Jones as the "probable cause panelist," a judge of sorts.
Since then, several other complaints have been lodged against Thomas with the state Bar, including one by an association of defense attorneys.

Two of Thomas' former top prosecutors, Rachel Alexander and Lisa Aubuchon, also are under investigation. Alexander has since left the office, and Aubuchon is suspended with pay pending an internal investigation at the County Attorney's Office.

Thomas, Alexander and Aubuchon asked Jones to dismiss the complaints. Jones refused. On July 1, they filed their petitions for special action.



Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable that Andrew Thomas has a chance of winning the primary election. He is the man that in his own book states that homeless people are insane and are not entitled to the same liberties as normal people. That is in his book the rise and the fall of the homeless. This is the greatest country in the world ... how is it possible that we have left such a heartless demagogue get so far in our state. Help stop him.

Tony GOPrano said...

I really am amazed at just how many people are jumping off the Andrew Thomas Bandwagon.

Tom Horne is getting support from people I never thought he would. Many far right Conservatives are voting for Tom.

Maybe they realize that with all of Thomas' baggage, they need to support Tom since he can win in the General Election!

Anonymous said...

ANDREW THOMAS should remove himself from the Attorney General's race and focus on the very serious accusations against him from the State Bar of Arizona and the DOJ. He has proven time and time again that his personal agenda was more important than the law, than ethical standards. He has shown us all he thought his job was to beat people up with the law and get as many convictions as possible. he did this with no regard to the facts, the merit of the case and to overall impact it would have in the community. His actions at times were outrageous. He is now being called to account for his dispicable behavior by the bar and FBI. Voting for him is political suicide for the Republican party. He will either be suspended or disbarred and this is not who we need right now as the AG. Tom Horne can support the agenda of the Governor. Thomas will be lucky to be practicing law in several months. NYFONG is not practicing and Thomas well his days are numbered. DON NOT waste your vote on Thomas. VOTE HORNE TOM HORNE the next Attorney General! HORNE already has beat the Federal Government in a suit thatsaved Arizona tax payers 300 Million.