HJS comments: The bridge that Feisal Abdul Rauf talks about concerning the mosque at Ground Zero, is not a bridge between Muslims and Americans--we have no need of such a bridge because peaceful people of all faiths are welcome here. It appears to me that if it is considered a bridge of any kind, it would be a bridge to 711 CE (AD), with America substituted for Spain as a conquered nation, ruled by a Caliph. I agree with the following article:
The Consequences of Park 51: The Cordoba House
August 6, 2010 - Frank Salvato
Under the Caliphate of Cordoba, non-Muslims were given the status of ahl al-dhimma (or dhimmi, a non-Muslim subject of a sharia law state) and adults paid a jizya (or tax). Then, as today, there were only three choices afforded to dhimmis under sharia law: accept dhimmitude, pay the jizya and exist as second-class citizens to all Muslims; convert to Islam; or die.
And while apologists throughout history have tried to diminish the cruelty of the Islamic culture toward non-Muslims in the many Caliphates, many scholars have argued that it would have been both a "theological as well as a logical absurdity" that Islam would have offered equality or even pretended that it did. [Lewis, Bernard W (1984). The Jews of Islam, p.4.]
Taking into consideration the history surrounding Cordoba where it relates to Islam, the significance of the initial intention to name the Park51 project “The Cordoba House” cannot be ignored. Cordoba infers conquest. In Abdul Rauf’s quest to erect an Islamic center and mosque in the shadow of Ground Zero we can only be led to the conclusion that its existence would signify conquest as well.
1 comment:
All this is irrelevant. I have been a conservative for decades and believe in freedom of religion from government interference and private property rights.
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