I have long had real concerns about how Andy Thomas has conducted himself as County Attorney. The full-on war over the last few years between he and the Board of Supervisors has been nothing short of a spectacle.
And now I’ve reached the final straw. The trumped-up investigation against Supervisor Andy Kunasek amounting to character assassination by Thomas, Sheriff Arpaio and their henchmen is only the latest in the most egregious abuse of investigative and prosecutorial power I have ever witnessed.
To make baseless accusations about the likes of Andy Kunasek is completely out of line. Kunasek is not only one of the most humble public servants you’ll ever meet (and a really nice guy), he is above reproach, and has a record to prove it. (A letter from Kunasek about this issue is here, courtesy of espressopundit.com)
For the longest time I had assumed that Thomas was really fighting the righteous cause. Not anymore. He is completely out of control. From the constant state of investigations of people who get crosswise with him in the slightest fashion, to the constant whining
about how he is mistreated, it’s completely galling. I truly do not know how someone who abuses the power of government as he has can call himself a conservative. He’s worse than a liberal… he is a dictator.
A few weeks ago Greg Patterson over at espressopundit.com wrote a stellar post about Thomas being unfit to serve. It is worth your time to read it.
For a pretty good snapshot of some of what galls me, check out this story and all the assorted links there.
The bottom line is that Andy Thomas has so destroyed his own credibility, he does not deserve to be in any elective office. It’s time for Andy Thomas to go away.
Bravo Sean! Thomas & his minions are criminals. They should be dealt with by the extreme arm of the law!
Bravo Sean! Thomas & his minions are criminals. They should be dealt with by the extreme arm of the law!
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