Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner July 22, 2010

Until yesterday, Shirley Sherrod was Georgia Director of Rural Development for the USDA. Earlier in the day at Big Government, Andrew Breitbart put up a video that exposed Ms. Sherrod as someone all too willing to discriminate based on race.

Within hours of the video's release, USDA Director Tom Vilsack announced Sherrod's resignation, and in the process issued an exceptionally strong condemnation ("We are appalled by her actions ... Her actions were shameful ... she gave no indication she had attempted to right the wrong she had done to this man").

Laura Curtis - Never let a good crisis (or oil spill) go to waste, why not create a new government agency

Obama isn’t letting the oil spill go to waste. Dissatisfied with how his repeated attempts at job killing drilling moratoriums are being smacked down in court, he’s recycled his coal plant bankruptcy plan and broadcast his intent to drown drillers in regulation. He’s also using it to promote his shiny new National Ocean Council.

John Vaught LaBeaume - How Charles Djou can do it

By the time Rep. Charles Djou (R-HI) was sworn in as a Member of Congress, Democrats were on message for next November, dismissing him as a seat warmer. Victorious in a May special election, Djou became the first Republican sent to Congress from Aloha State since fmr. U.S. Rep. Patricia Saiki abandoned her seat for a respectable run for the U.S. Senate in 1990.

At first blush, Hawaii’s First Congressional District doesn’t look like a potential Blue to Red conversion target. Obama did carry HI01 by a lopsided 70-28 percent spread, but that margin seems to be grossly distorted in favor of Honolulu’s Favorite Son. President Obama was born and spent some of his schoolboy years in this very district.

P.J. Gladnick - Worst (But Funniest) Campaign Video Ever: 'Iller'

This year's midterm campaign season still has over three months to run but I think it has already left a legacy in the form of a video that will rank in the annals of politics as not only the worst of all time but also as the funniest although the latter honor is entirely unintentional. It was produced by Campus Progress which claims to be "nonpartisan" although it obviously wants young people who voted in 2008 for Obama to return to the polls this year to vote to keep the Big Government philosophy in power by voting for Democrats.

The campaign video simultaneously strives for the vampire/zombie Twilight Saga theme. In fact the hilariously bad video with the dopey name "Iller" ("Chiller" minus the "Ch") could be retitled, "The Twilight Saga: Iller" since that is what the producers seem to be striving for. Oh, and the producers are also hoping to motivate young people to go out and vote in November but that seems hard to believe when watching this Hindenburg crash of all campaign videos.

Rob Bluey - Congress should take citizen input seriously

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