Monday, July 12, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner July 12, 2010

Government policies designed to stimulate the economy seem to be having the opposite effect. Consumers aren't buying, businesses aren't hiring and those fortunate enough to have some cash on hand don't seem to be investing.

I call it the mattress economy.

People seem to be following this investment strategy. Step one: Go to Mattress Discounters and buy the biggest mattress you can find. Step two: Take it home and stuff all your money in it. Step three: Lie down and get some rest.

It’s spreading across the state. An example of the Democratic Senate candidate’s latest media blitz:

For Republicans, the road map authored by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is the most important proposal in domestic policy since Ronald Reagan embraced supply-side economics in the 1980 presidential campaign. It's not only the freshest, boldest, and most comprehensive Republican thinking, it's also the most relevant. If Republicans adopt the road map as their basic ideological blueprint, it offers them the prospect of a landslide in the midterm election this year, followed by victory in the presidential election in 2012.

Many elections are dubbed "The Year of the Woman," and every cycle has its variation of the soccer mom and the security mom: Dubious electoral icons that fuel more talk shows than real political results.

But this time there is a new shimmer to the old cliche, and a growing sense that the space women occupy in politics is expanding and changing.

Attorney General Eric Holder said he may take further legal action against Arizona over the potential for racial profiling in the state's new immigration law in addition to the lawsuit filed last week by the Obama administration.

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