Friday, July 16, 2010

Today in the Washingon Examiner July 16, 2010

Democrats are having a jolly good time beating up the White House.
You can see why. President Obama has caused the party to squander a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reclaim permanent majority status.

Of course, Democrats were cheering as they followed Obama off a cliff during the heady days of 2009, so they should share in the blame for the wasted moment. But they won't. They'll keep blaming Obama. Churlish, perhaps, but very human.

Julie Mason - Obama has a hard time taking it easy

Few appear to need a vacation more than President Obama -- but fewer still seem as chronically reluctant to get away and unplug.

Susan Ferrechio - Financial regulatory bill passes divided Congress

The Senate on Thursday voted to pass a sweeping financial regulatory reform bill, overcoming weeks of Republican opposition and handing President Obama his second major legislative victory this year.

"We are giving consumers and taxpayers the strongest protections they've ever had," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., following the 60-39 vote. "We are giving Wall Street the strongest oversight it's ever had -- not to stifle it, but to safeguard us."

Timothy P. Carney - Why Goldman will win Wall Street ‘reform’

As the news media today sings of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi defeating Wall Street, here are some facts and thoughts to keep in mind:

David Freddoso - Bart Stupak: Confusion, dishonesty, or all of the above?

John McCormack of The Weekly Standard (a sister publication of ours) had a spot-on piece last week in which he interviewed Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich. Stupak is the congressman who held out against taxpayer abortion funding in Obamacare until the moment it really mattered.

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Does anyone even read NY Times editorials?

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