Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Senator McCain Up By 20 Points In Latest Poll

As you know, early voting starts this Thursday. Now is the time we need to mobilize all the supporters of Senator John McCain's re-election around the state. Your help in doing this is key.

Senator McCain's message of less government, secure borders, more high paying Arizona jobs, lower taxes, and a stong national defense is resonating. Arizonans are rightly fed up with the Washington establishment that is ignoring the will of hard working Americans. Senator McCain needs your help to return to the Senate and lead the fight against big spending, out-of-touch Washington.

And the polls are now clearly reflecting the fact that Arizonans want to see Senator McCain continue his fight.

See the latest polling details here.

As Politics Daily just today noted, "another poll is showing Arizona Sen. John McCain far ahead of challenger J.D. Hayworth, the former conservative talk show host and onetime congressman, as the two head toward the state's Aug. 24 GOP primary."

"McCain leads Hayworth by 54 percent to 34 percent with 7 percent preferring some other candidate and 6 percent undecided in a Rasmussen Reports poll conducted July 21."

But as you know, Senator McCain never takes any election for granted and he still needs your help to win. All that you have done to help Senator McCain to date is paying off. And after Senator McCain wins the August primary with your assistance, he will need your help to win in November. Together we will send a strong message to Washington DC when Senator McCain goes back to fight for our Arizona values!

Again, thank you so much for all you have done and will do in this election. Senator McCain is humbled and grateful for your friendship and help.


Mark Buse

Campaign Manager, McCain 2010

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