Friday, July 16, 2010

Senator John McCain Boosts Arizona Sheriffs' Legal Defense Fund To Fight SB 1070 Lawsuit With Major Donation; Encourages Others To Follow His Lead

July 16, 2010 - U.S. Senator John McCain knows what it's like to be on the front lines. And he's giving a big boost to those on the front lines right now . . . in the fight against illegal immigration.

After hearing of the Legacy Foundation's effort to raise money and provide legal defense to Arizona county sheriffs Paul Babeu and Larry Dever from the ACLU and future suits from the US Dept of Justice, McCain pledged a $5,000 contribution to the cause.

And Sen. McCain is encouraging all American citizens who want to stop illegal immigration and support a secure border to follow his lead and support these law enforcement leaders who need the help more than ever.

Both high profile Sheriffs advised and appeared with Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl in Washington when unveiling their 10 Point Border Secutity Plan.

Dever's Cochise County borders Mexico. Babeu's Pinal County is a major corridor for drug and human smuggling. Both lawmen are strong SB1070 advocates, having served on the frontlines of the illegal immigration crisis and defended the American border against the stream of illegal-immigration-fueled criminal activity passing through their counties daily, for more than a decade.

Dever's Cochise County is largely considered Ground Zero for illegal immigration and its related crime, including the murder of rancher Robert Krentz.

Babeu’s Pinal County is 80 miles north of the Mexican border, yet he has squads of heavily armed drug smugglers and thousands of illegals control smuggling cooridors through his county.

Babeu and Dever have retained prominent attorney Jordan Rose and her firm, Rose Law Group pc, to defend the Sheriff's Offices against federal litigation and explore any/all opportunities to countersue the federal government.

"Senator McCain is not on the fence when it comes to building our needed border fences and doing what must be done to stop illegal immigration," Babeu and Dever said in a joint statement.

"Senator McCain has again proved his mettle on the subject with his generous donation and a plan with U.S. Senator Jon Kyl that, if approved, would solve our border crisis."

“When Arizona needs help the most, our federal government drags us into court and law enforcement is attacked by our own national leaders. Now, Eric Holder has announced that he plans a follow on lawsuit, this time against a law enforcement officer in Arizona that is accused of racially profiling. Our Deputies and Officers in Arizona are the protectors of our family. It is outrageous that President Obama
and his attorney General are wringing their hands waiting for one of our heroes to be accused of racial profiling, so they can put them through the legal gauntlet and undermine law enforcment. What is happening to our America?” Asked Sheriff Babeu.

"There couldn't be a much bigger boost on Day One of the legal defense fund than an endorsement and contribution from Senator McCain," Jordan Rose said.

Funding for the legal defense will be provided by the Legacy Foundation an Iowa-based, non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) that views Arizona 's SB1070 debate as a national issue. Donations can be made at

The Offices of Cochise County Sheriff Dever and Pinal County Sheriff Babeu are named personally in the lawsuit recently filed by the American Civil Liberties Union. These Sheriffs stand on the front lines of the border crisis given their patrol areas.

And whereas the Arizona Governor is mounting a defense to recent litigation against the state, these men have been on the defensive for more than 30 years given a failed border-security and immigration program. They've declared it's time to find a long term resolution to this problem.

"I have spent 30 years defending this border against both criminal and economic attacks against the United States," Dever said.

"To sue my office, for defending this nation and our local, state and federal laws is despicable."Babeu added, "Inaction is not an option. Local law enforcement has long-successfully enforced local, state and federal laws. Carving an exception for immigration is unacceptable."

Lawsuits filed against Arizona and its law enforcement officials stand to cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. This defense will be funded not by already-tapped county coffers, but through private donations.

Formation of the defense fund and launch of was announced on Clear Channel's KFYI-AM radio station in Phoenix on Jim Sharpe's Morning Show.

1 comment:

JennsR said...

Thank God McCain is going to win this election. I cannot imagine how terrible things would have been if JD the blowhard were in office again. I feel badly for him in a way, he is unintelligent perhaps far beyond a lack of trying. I do not feel sorry for him that he has been exposed for lying, for spending, for earmarks and for scandals...