Monday, July 26, 2010

Senate President Bob Burns Endorses Jim Waring

For Immediate Release

Contact: Bert Coleman


Senate President Bob Burns Endorses Jim Waring for Congress

Conservative Republican leader points to Waring’s integrity and experience

PHOENIX, AZ – Jim Waring for Congress today announced the support and endorsement of Senate President Bob Burns, a leader in the conservative movement and an advocate of limited government.

“At a time when our nation is headed down the wrong path—a path of bigger government and less individual liberty-- Jim Waring’s conservative philosophy of limited government and personal responsibility is exactly what we need to get America back on track,”
said Senate President Burns.

“Jim has an integrity that’s second to none. He studies each issue and makes informed decisions on behalf of the people,” said President Burns. “He is the most qualified candidate in this field, and the people of Arizona will be well represented by having Jim Waring in Congress.”

“I am honored to have President Burns’ support. There are few people at the Capitol who command the level of respect he does, and it’s a testament to his strong leadership skills and personal integrity,” said Jim Waring. “I’m proud to have President Burns on our team.”

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