Friday, July 16, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for July 16, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to the
Financial Takeover bill passing in the Senate: "The American people have lost one more piece of their liberty, as the Senate has voted to create a hidden, permanent bailout that will enable faceless bureaucrats to levy taxes, bail out politically-privileged institutions and to seize and liquidate politically-unconnected ones, redistributing their assets to favored constituencies, like unions."

About that Financial Reform 'Victory'

Financial Takeover bill does not address root causes of problems

The Mad Tea Party

Cartoon of the day, "Berwick Virus"

Dems still don't get it

Toyota Prius incidents raise questions of government motives

Business knows more than Obama

When did it become racist to point out racism?

Memo to deficit commission: It's the spending stupid

New hires or new jobs?

Blago trail casts doubt on Obama's truthfulness


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