Wednesday, July 14, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for July 14, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day on the
3 GOP Senators supporting the Financial Takeover bill: "Senators Snowe, Collins, and Brown, through their support of this bill, are enabling government to perpetuate the easy money and loose lending policies that led to the crisis, to continue too-big-to-fail, and to institutionalize the regime that led to limitless bailouts by taxpayers and de facto government control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

Dems' Lament: It wasn't supposed to be like this

The Dems' middle-class problem

An environmentalist perspective on wind energy

Cartoon of the day, "Eric Holder's Justice"

The return of the Jeffersonian vision

Berwick: A stealth recess appointment

Stossel: Attacks on Freedom

Palin on Charges of Racism: It's time to bury divisive politics of the past

Lincoln or Kagan?

Does All-Star game predict midterm gains?

Forcing consumers to buy renewable energy

Rahm pushed for Obama's choice Jarrett for IL Senate seat

Conflicts of interest continue on FDA committee


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