Monday, July 12, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for July 12, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from
The China Problem: "China is prepared for any downturn. Are we? No. We're not. While the threat of a U.S. credit downgrade looms as soon as 2018 and the economy teeters, the White House Office of Management and Budget projects the U.S. will incur $10.6 trillion in new debt (likely) amid robust growth for the next ten years (unlikely)."

Obama economy sends Americans to their mattresses

Stimulus: Mechanical failure

Distorting the market never bodes well

The ClimateGate whitewash continues

The China problem

Health Care rationing Obama believes in

Supporting one-sided disclosure

Is Palin cranking up for 2012?

Obama is pro-growth… for government

How many people have left the workforce?

Kagan hearings were pointless

Stuck in Afghanistan

Enraptured by verbal hocus-pocus AND Irrationally pessimistic about corporations


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