Monday, July 19, 2010


For those of you who missed the Saturday night U.S. Senate Debate in Tucson, this is ALL you need to see:


Hasta La Vista JD & your band of paid shills! Your career in Politics is OVER!

550-KFYI's Barry Young this morning: "JD needed these debates very badly to have a knockout punch, a homerun. And it doesn’t exist."

As a result, McCain has been able to wreak havoc with Hayworth's poll numbers through a constant barrage of television and radio attack ads that slam him as a pork-barrel spender and earmarker, a Washington lobbyist and a late-night TV infomercial "huckster." The ads have nailed Hayworth into a box that political experts say will be difficult to escape from before early voting for the Aug. 24 primary begins July 29. - Dan Nowicki, The Arizona Republic

Sent in by one of our readers:

Shadow boxin' when I heard you on the radio

I just don't know

What made you forget
that I was raw? But now I got a new tour

performed by: LL Cool J

Here's the truth about Arizona Senator John McCain's TKO performance in back-to-back US Senate candidate debates:

It was Friday Night Lights in Phoenix and Saturday Night Fights in Tucson.With the national media spotlight on the long awaited debates between Senator McCain and former radio show host JD Hayworth, all eyes were focused on the palpable tension between the two. They didn't disappoint.

On Friday, despite Hayworth's months of preparation and anticipation, he couldn't restrain his ego and arrogant envy of Senator McCain. At every opportunity, Hayworth launched into a gratuitous oration and turned away from his podium to taunt McCain straight on. Hayworth tried his best to engage McCain in a throw-down. McCain didn't bite; but, we all know he wanted to. That's why we love him.

Since McCain took Hayworth to the woodshed on Friday night, he decided to take him to the barnyard on Saturday night. Although the Tucson debate was less formal and more relaxed than the Phoenix debate, the change of pace threw Hayworth off his game.

Hayworth waited until the end of the debate to attack McCain with a verbatim quote from EJ Montini 's Arizona Republic column. Montini (a liberal) published a public plea to Hayworth: Ask McCain about admissions in his 2000 presidential campaign memoirs. Hayworth did as Montini asked. Senator McCain clinched his jaw but channeled all of that anger into sharing a piece of advice from Senator Bob Dole. McCain said,

"You know, that’s a pretty strong attack there and I’m
really tempted to respond. But, you know, I’m reminded of the advice of my old friend Senator Bob Dole who told me one time, “Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it” (laughs in background)

While the joke caused laughter to break out in the studio and at home, it was a personal message, a longtime coming from John McCain to JD Hayworth. Mano a mano. Man to man. For two long nights, Senator McCain used his self-control super-powers to teach JD Hayworth a very public lesson: It's better to show some class than to show your ass.

McCain wins by TKO. Hayworth is down for the count.

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