Thursday, July 22, 2010

JD Hayworth's primary challenge to Senator McCain Just Sunk to a New Low - Democrats For Sale Blog

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just when you thought that the JD Hayworth campaign could not sink any lower, they manage to do just that. Two different articles following the debate make us wonder about the people running his campaign not to mention the candidates himself when they cannot get their facts straight. First we have the Hayworth bullies now picking on another Senate candidate's Jim Deakins daughters to force him out of the race.

1. Hayworth and his campaign after continuing to lie about about Senator McCain, have sunk to a new low by wanting the 3rd person in the race, Jim Deakin to get out of the race. It wasn't enough for Hayworth and his people to ask him to get out of the race because now some of the Hayworth thugs have stooped to harassing Deakin's daughters. Who does Hayworth think he is that he gets to determine who stays and who gets out of the race? It does go along with Hayworth reputation of being a bully and when he doesn't get his way, he turns nasty. Looks like he hired people just like him --
bullies for his campaign. After watching this interview with Jim Deakin, you might want to ask why anyone is still supporting JD Hayworth or why they would consider voting for the man who will do and say anything to get elected.


2. Now we get into the 'bizarre world of the JD Hayworth campaign after his Social Media Alexander tweeted after the last debate
on Saturday night. Had to read it twice to make sure what she was

The first article from the Arizona Star from Tuscon led with the headline,
Political notebook: Tweet over McCain 'amnesty' baffling. Guess baffling is a good of word but we actually lean toward bizarre.The headline for the second article on the same subject from the Phoenix News Times, Rachel Alexander Criticizes John McCain for Honoring War Hero Killed in Afghanistan; Claims 20-Year-Old Soldier Died Because of "Immigration Crime," says it all.

It is why you are left with trying to figure out how Alexander, the Hayworth Social Media Director, came up with linking Christopher Moon's death in Afghanistan with illegal immigration.

That did not compute and the Arizona media is as much in the dark as everyone else. Then Alexander tried to spin it, but this something that could not be spun.

This all started when Senator McCain used part of his closing statement at the end of the Saturday Night Debate to pay tribute to Christopher Moon, a hometown hero who was recruited to play baseball at the University of Arizona, but instead joined the Army to serve his country.

Moon tragically died last week after he was wounded by an IED in Afghanistan.

After Sen. McCain praised Moon’s service and sacrifice in his closing statement, Congressman Hayworth’s social media director, Rachel Alexander, sent out a tweet, which read: “McCain gives fake-sounding closing mourning 4 someone who died due to illegal immigration crime. Insincere due to his amnesty bill.” We have been gone for a couple of days from the blog so we thought maybe we were just tired and had missed a beat when we saw the two articles, but no, it was true -- Hayworth's social media director had actually taken Senator McCain to task for talking about an illegal immigrant who had been killed while committing a crime when in reality, it was a United
States soldier who was killed in Afghanistan.

How would you like to be the person to explain it to his family that the J.D. Hayworth campaign member compared their son to an illegal immigrant.

Obviously the Hayworth campaign social media director didn't listen to what Senator McCain was saying but then neither does her boss most of the time when he tries to hang Amnesty on Senator McCain.

It didn't work the first time he tried it this campaign season, and it is not working today.

Are Hayworth and his campaign staff so angry with the fact that they are behind in this race that they will stop at nothing to try and score points including defaming a soldier who was killed in the line
of duty?

For anyone from the Hayworth campaign to even infer that an American solider had anything to do with what is happening on the Arizona borders is not only wrong, but disgusting and despicable.

You would think after awhile that Hayworth and his campaign would stop the phoney charges against Senator McCain, but no they are so bent on making any charge stick (even phoney ones) that now they didn't even listen to what Senator McCain had to say in his closing remarks before making a snarky remark after the debate -- this time it bit them big time. Voters of Arizona are now seeing J.D. Hayworth for who he is, and it is not a pretty sight.

The bizarre and offensive attack prompted the
Phoenix New Times to question why Alexander was bashing Sen. McCain “for honoring [a] war hero killed in Afghanistan.” In the comment section of that post, Alexander tried to clean up her mess, claiming, “For the record, I was not referring to the veteran McCain was speaking about. I was referring to the deaths of those caused by illegal immigrant related activity that McCain spoke about.” This prompted the New Times reporter who wrote the original post to comment: “For the record, I saw the debate, too. At no point in McCain's closing statement does he mention illegal immigration."

He’s right. You can watch Sen. McCain’s full closing statement for yourself:

US Senate Primary Debate_Tucson from John McCain 2010 on Vimeo.

As you'll see, he never once mentions illegal immigration. To be honest, we’re not sure what Alexander was thinking. Maybe she was taking a lesson from her boss, Congressman Hayworth, who can use any question or comment as a springboard to launch a non sequitur attack against Sen. McCain for supporting “amnesty.” At the very least, Alexander’s tweet was ill thought out. At the worst, it’s grossly offensive.

While sitting here working on this article watching videos and reading the articles, it struck us that the one who should be dropping out of the race after running one of the most negative, despicable campaigns this primary season is J.D. Hayworth not Deakin.

You don't see Senator McCain asking Hayworth to leave the race so why should Hayworth tell Deakin to get out? Our guess is Hayworth thinks Deakin getting out of the race will give him the nomination. Highly unlikely after the voters are being reminded once again of the lack of class of the former Abramoff Congressman Hayworth.

After all, he was the one who offered them free money in an infomercial after the voters of Arizona threw him out of Congress in 2006.

There is only one choice for Arizona in their primary on August 24, 2010, and that is Senator John McCain who has always put our military and Arizona first

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