Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Impeachment Campaign Surpasses One Million Petition Signers a project of the Policy Issues Institute is pleased to announce that more than one million Americans have signed their petition is support of the Impeachment of Barack Obama.

Articles of Impeachment can only be passed by the US House of Representatives. However, right now, the House is controlled by a majority of Democrats and they are unlikely to change their minds about supporting Obama.

But real change is coming, we believe a pro impeachment majority will be elected this November to the US House.

While currently no sitting congressmen has supported our efforts, dozens of candidates have expressed support for our campaign. We have organized activists in each of the 50 states and currently they are questioning every candidate nabout their willingness to support impeachment.

We are still collecting signatures on our petition and hope to have over two million by November. Currently over one million letters...

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