Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ICYMI: Franks Expresses Concern About Possible Federally-Funded Abortions Under Obamacare

Congressman Trent Franks on Fox News’ “Happening Now”


Fox News’ “Happening Now”
07/16/10 11:34:00 PM

In Case You Missed It:

Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) appeared on Fox News’ Happening Now to address questions about whether, under Democrats’ government takeover of healthcare, states would be allowed to use federal funds to pay for abortions, as was initially claimed by states such as New Mexico and Pennsylvania. Franks says the ongoing questions are indicative of the greater, underlying problem -- that an Executive Order (which is subject only to the President’s whim), as opposed to an actual statute or amendment, is the basis for hollow assurances that federal funds won’t be used to cover abortions. Should the President decide to backtrack or otherwise twist the Executive Order, federal funds could flow to abortion providers, something that Franks says should seriously concern the vast majority of Americans who oppose taxpayer-funded abortions.

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