Saturday, July 17, 2010

ICYMI: The Arizona Guardian’s Dennis Welch Declares Sen. McCain The Winner Of Last Night’s Debate



The Arizona Guardian’s Dennis Welch Declares Sen. McCain The Winner Of Last Night’s Debate

KTVK’s “Good Morning Arizona Saturday”July 17, 2010

On KTVK This Morning, The Arizona Guardian’s Dennis Welch Declared Sen. McCain The Winner Of Last Night’s Debate:

The Arizona Guardian’s Dennis Welch: “If you’re looking at the traditional breakdown, looking at the poll numbers, J.D. needed a, quote, ‘knockout punch.’ I don’t think it was delivered last night. I don’t think there was any big moment there. And in fact I thought McCain caught Hayworth off guard a few times with the ‘there you go
again’ kind of Reaganesque-type moments and stuff like that, so it was pretty tough. I don’t see like a real clear, clear, winner, but if I had to pick one, it’d probably be McCain, just because he’s so far out in front, and everybody else needed a big moment.”

Welch Also Said Hayworth Looked “Desperate” And “Out Of Touch”:

Welch: “I thought a real interesting moment was when J.D. Hayworth accused John McCain of colluding with Jim Deakin to siphon votes off of that. That was pretty interesting. I thought it kind of showed maybe a little bit how desperate he was, and out of touch he was with what’s going on right now.”

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