Friday, July 23, 2010

Election 2010: Arizona Governor - Rasmussen Reports™

Arizona Governor: Brewer (R) 56% Goddard (D) 37%

Friday, July 23, 2010

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was struggling earlier this year but now holds a commanding lead in the campaign to keep her job.

A new Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey finds Brewer leading Democrat Terry Goddard by a 56% to 37% margin. That’s little changed from a month ago. Just two percent (2%) prefer another candidate while five percent (5%) are undecided.

Brewer’s prospects dramatically improved after she signed the much talked about immigration law that has become the subject of a national debate. In Arizona, 65% of voters continue to favor the law while just 27% are opposed. Nationally, most voters would like a similar law in their own state.

By a 60% to 34% margin, Arizona voters oppose the Justice Department lawsuit against their state. Opposition to the lawsuit is similar nationwide. The law is scheduled to go into effect on July 29 and a federal court is currently hearing the federal government’s claim that the law should not be implemented.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters in Arizona want President Obama to send more U.S. troops to their state in an effort to help secure the border. Only six percent (6%) believe there are already too many troops in the state.

Forty percent (40%) believe that the immigration law has had a positive impact on the state’s image while 46% believe it’s had a negative impact.

Forty-three percent (43%) believe the law is good for the state’s economy while 37% say it’s bad for the economy.

Sixty-three percent (63%) of all voters in the state now approve of the job Brewer is doing as governor. That’s up five more points from a month ago and represents quite a jump from 41% in March.

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The survey of 1,200 Likely Voters in Arizona was conducted on July 21, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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