Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't throw away the tar--we might need it for the feathers! By HJS

HJS Comments: What is it that Forrest Gump's mama said? Stupid is as stupid does; how about Stupid does as Stupid is? One dumb decision after another shows us that the leader(??) in the White House is another one of the Democrats' post turtles. And post turtles seem to beget more post turtles. Now, between the constantly added post turtles, the horses' asses, and the bull crappers, the White House is becoming quite a zoo! Now I can see where they are getting all the fesces thay are packaging up and trying to foist on us. No wonder they do not want the congressional voters to see it before they vote on it; the smell of what's in the packages alone would drive them away! Hasn't there been enough incompetence displayed already to think in terms of impeachment? People have been tarred and feathered for much less. Read on...


WorldNetDaily Exclusive

Posted: July 15, 2010
10:15 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh

You've seen the reports about Van Jones, President Obama's onetime "green jobs czar," and Cass Sunstein, his equally volatile "regulatory czar," and Fox News show host Glenn Beck has put together a list of dozens of such appointees.

Now here's the newest White House promotion: "Health food czar" Sam Kass.

"In a comical move even for a czar-happy president who has rewarded dozens of cronies with distinguished titles, the White House has named the Obamas' personal Chicago cook as 'Senior Policy Adviser for Healthy Food Initiatives,'" reports
the Washington government watchdog Judicial Watch.

"It's no joke, even though it sounds like a bad one. The Chicago chef's rapid ascension ... has been kept under the radar for the last month," Judicial Watch said.

"Sam Kass went from being a 20-something, Windy City gourmet cook – privately paid by the Obamas to feed them – to big-time White House adviser in a matter of months," the report said.

But it makes sense, the report said, since Michelle Obama has claimed that childhood obesity is a threat to "national security."

According to an earlier report, Michelle Obama confirmed – in talking about her White House campaign against obesity – that the condition "impacts national security" because it is a "disqualifier for military service."

Judicial Watch said the situation is so dire, President Obama has been convinced to spend $400 million a year on "healthy foods" in low-income neighborhoods as well as revise – at a cost of $10 billion – a federal plan to provide food to poor children in school.

Such an assembly of programs "no doubt requires a trusted senior policy adviser – like Kass – who is an expert in healthy cuisine," Judicial Watch said.

"Makes you wonder what Kass … has been putting in the Obamas' food all these years," the report said.

WND was the news agency that broke the first major story on Obama's "green" jobs czar Jones.
Also, WND exposed Sunstein, Obama's "regulatory czar," as an advocate of a "Fairness Doctrine" for the Internet.

The magazine issue introduced people "like Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner nominee Chai Feldblum, who endorses polygamy, and AIDS czar Jeffrey S. Crowley – both openly homosexual."

"Then there's Patrick Gaspard, officially the 'director of the office of political affairs,' but whom critics call 'ACORN's man in the White House.' And defense policy adviser Rosa Brooks, a George-Soros-trained ideologue and anti-military radical who urged the prosecution of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for 'war crimes,'" the report said. "And FCC diversity czar Mark Lloyd, who believes the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' – unanimously repealed by the FCC in 1987 – was never repealed, wants to destroy conservative talk radio, and described Marxist dictator Hugo Chavez's rise to power in Venezuela as 'an incredible revolution.'"

Richard Holbrooke, Afghanistan czar
Jeffrey Crowley, AIDS czar
Ed Montgomery, auto recovery czar
Alan Bersin, border czar
David J. Hayes, California water czar
Ron Bloom, car czar
Dennis Ross, central region czar
Todd Stern, climate czar
Lynn Rosenthal, domestic violence czar
Gil Kerlikowske, drug czar
Paul Volcker, economic czar
Carol Browner, energy and environment czar
Joshua DuBois, faith-based czar
Jeffrey Zients, government performance czar
Cameron Davis, Great Lakes czar
Van Jones, green jobs czar
Daniel Fried, Guantanamo closure czar
Nancy-Ann DeParle, health czar
Vivek Kundra, information czar
Dennis Blair, intelligence czar
George Mitchell, Mideast peace czar
Kenneth R. Feinberg, pay czar
Cass Sunstein, regulatory czar
John Holdren, science czar
Earl Devaney, stimulus accountability czar
J. Scott Gration, Sudan czar
Herb Allison, TARP czar
Aneesh Chopra, technology czar
John Brennan, terrorism czar
Adolfa Carrion Jr., urban affairs czar
Ashton Carter, weapons czar
Gary Samore, WMD policy czar

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