Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WTF? Arizona counties recognize Senator Allen as “Outstanding Legislator By SWR

Bill Konopnicki is awarded a legitimate honor and Allen rolls out this BS? “Outstanding Legislator”
This is one of her interesting lies.

Eight members of the legislature were recognized by the County Supervisors Association. One was Bill konopnicki.

Her nephew David Tenney MADE the association give her an award. Then she had Navajo County Rod Ross send out a press release stating that she received the award. It was done to make people think she was the only one.

Rod Ross is her political nanny. His job is to be sure she votes correctly. His job is also to keep her out of trouble. To bad he did not tell her how old the world is before she stuck her foot in her mouth.

It was David Tenney who cast the deciding vote to have her appointed to the Senate. Guess he wanted to be sure she was told how to vote.

Jay Emery / Sedona
NOTE: From Rep. Konopnicki's Facebook:

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