Monday, June 07, 2010


Debate Ending - Last 20 Minutes from Horne for AG! on Vimeo.


We have received many e-mails about last week's Horne/Thomas Debate. Here is an example:

Andrew Thomas was outclassed by Tom Horne in what will most likely be there one and only debate. Thomas started by condemning Tom’s record on education and his loyalty to the party.

Horne responded factually about his many accomplishments while serving as Superintendent and countered about his recent contributions to stop ethnic studies in Tucson and the education of Mexican children in Ajo at tax payer’s expense.

Horne has charged back 1.2 million dollars to the Ajo school board for educating Mexican children in the border town. When Horne countered with Thomas own record in the role of County Attorney. A record of over spending and failed attempts to prosecute our judges and elected officials, Thomas said he was precluded from talking about it.

Thomas attempted to dismiss what clearly was the elephant in the room. (No pun intended) Thomas denied what he did to Judges and the supervisors was done for political payback.

Thomas did not answer questions directly and mentioned illegal immigration over 20 times.

Thomas also took credit for authoring every immigration bill ever written in this state. It was beyond comprehension and his claims became more outlandish.

Horne came armed with facts and a clear plan to help Arizona recover it’s business climate. He laid out a carefully crafted plan for recovery and the correct use of the Attorney General’s office.

Horne is no one trick pony and has depth beyond Thomas’s immature and self serving persona.

One of Horne’s best lines of the evening. Every first year law student knows you cannot sue the very client you represent. Do we really need to put someone in as Attorney General who is void of the ethics and has a real possibility of being disbarred? Horne has experience in front of the Supreme court. He knows what it takes to run a business and a state office. Horne is a calm pragmatic leader who will navigate
Arizona thru some tough times.

Thomas is unstable and in Arpaio’s shadow. Tom Horne has created leaders.

Thomas has created a mess in the County Attorney office that will take years for the tax payers to recover from.

For those who want stability in our leadership Tom Horne was clearly the lawyer who should the most intelligence and careful response to all questions.

We simply cannot afford Mr. Thomas.

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