Friday, June 04, 2010


After the 'lies' being spread by the SA & IC AZ Blogs, we received this via e-mail from someone who attended the Debate:

"When confronted with a court ruling that, as County Attorney, Thomas used his powers to pursue political vendettas, the best Thomas could say was that he could not disclose grand jury proceedings. But that argument holds no water. The false charges of bribery and extortion (for which there was no evidence) that
Thomas brought against four judges who had ruled against him in court never went before a grand jury.

In the debate, Thomas said he didn't have time - even in a 90 minute forum - to defend the allegation that he used his office to pursue political vendettas. The truth is, he could take all the time in the world and not defend his record of prosecuting political opponents because all of those cases have been dropped or dismissed for a lack of evidence. His actions are, in fact, indefensible, which is why Thomas can't even try. Three judges have reprimanded him for unethical behavior in these cases; one even saying it had the "appearance of evil."

When confronted by this record, Thomas has nothing of substance to back up his claims because there is no substance. Arizona does not need that kind of Attorney General. Arizona needs a strong, experienced lawyer like Tom Horne.

Tom Horne has 30 years courtroom experience, has been a judge
pro-tem, special assistant attorney general and has written a legal
textbook. He has fought for constitutional principles by litigating
Flores English language learner case
, which saved Arizona taxpayers $300 million. He has ensured that the voter-approved ban on bilingual education in the classroom is vigorously enforced, and is a supporter of both SB 1070 and the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association Restore Our Border Security Plan."
By Doug Nick


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