Friday, June 04, 2010


Obama pronounced that getting Congress to pass a bill strenuously disliked by the American people was proof that government could "still do big things." By May 28, Americans were watching oil belch up from the briny deep and wondering whether government could do anything at all.

Michael Barone - Democratic (and incumbent) debacle in Alabama

It is a tough year for incumbents, particularly for Democratic incumbents

Julie Mason - In speech to grads, Obama frets about end of American dream
President Obama, in a downbeat and at times pessimistic speech on the economy, acknowledged a "sense that the American dream might slowly be slipping away."

The Mexican government is opening a satellite consular office on Catalina Island -- a small resort off the California coast with a history of drug smuggling and human trafficking -- to provide the island's illegal Mexican immigrants with identification cards, The Washington Examiner has learned.

Susan Ferrechio - Crist pumps oil spill for political advantage
As the oil slick approaches Florida's shores, Gov. Charlie Crist has shifted his neutral stance on coastal drilling and is now calling for a constitutional ban against it.

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Romanoff confirms -- White House suggested three jobs, produces email evidence

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