Monday, June 21, 2010


Michael Barone - Obama's thuggery is useless in fighting spill

Thuggery is unattractive. Ineffective thuggery even more so. Which may be one reason so many Americans have been reacting negatively to the response of Barack Obama and his administration to BP's Gulf oil spill.

Take Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's remark that he would keep his "boot on the neck" of BP, which brings to mind George Orwell's definition of totalitarianism as "a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." Except that Salazar's boot hasn't gotten much in the way of results yet.

Or consider Obama's undoubtedly carefully considered statement to Matt Lauer that he was consulting with experts "so I know whose ass to kick." Attacking others is a standard campaign tactic when you're in political trouble, and certainly BP, which appears to have taken unwise shortcuts in the Gulf, is an attractive target.
But you don't always win arguments that way.

Chris Stirewalt - Obama lucky to have a weak business foe in BP

It's Obama's good fortune that he isn't facing a fighter in the American mold when it comes to the disaster in the Gulf.

Nancy Pelosi's taxpayer-funded, exorbitantly expensive, eco-friendly office space

Aside from the impulse I felt to grumble about career politicians and the actual value of “green features,” my jaw dropped when I saw that Speaker Pelosi is paying $18,736 a month for her lovely new workspace.

Susan Ferrechio - Dems ready for big push on global warming

Democratic leaders are pushing legislation aimed at fighting global warming, despite significant opposition in both parties to any proposal that puts a price or a cap on carbon emissions.

Byron York - Arab ambassador treats White House officials, press watchdogs to lavish evening

Al Otaiba brought in legendary Beverly Hills chef Wolfgang Puck for the evening, according to a report from Politico's Mike Allen, and Puck did not disappoint.

After the meal, the group watched the basketball game on al Otaiba's 103-inch television.

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