Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A Special Note About WESTMARC's West Valley Forum Series & Senator John McCain

Dear WESTMARC Members & Friends,

You may have seen our "Save the Date" & registration notices in the last few weeks regarding our upcoming West Valley Forum Series entitled "A Capitol Conversation with Senator John McCain". We are very proud to be bringing this event to the West Valley & Senator John McCain to you.

I recently had the opportunity to attend such an event in the East Valley with nearly 400 attendees and it truly was "a conversation". Besides providing an update from Capitol Hill on such important issues as the Middle East War, health care reform, financial industry reform, immigration reform, and the economy, Sen. McCain will also take your questions from the audience.

This is the first time WESTMARC has hosted Sen. McCain in
the West Valley and we believe this is an event you won't want to miss. And of course we want to show the rest of the valley that federal issues are equally important to us in the West Valley.

As part of our Forum Series, WESTMARC is proud to have previously hosted U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters and Governors Janet Napolitano & Jan Brewer. Sen. McCain's participation in the Forum Series upholds that tradition of showcasing & sharing key leaders in the West Valley.

We hope to see you at The Wigwam on June 18th at 11:30am.

Event & table sponsorships and individual tickets are still available, but they will go fast!

Click Here to Register for this Event

Let's show the Valley that the West Valley is engaged in and cares about what is happening in our United States Capitol!

Jack W Lunsford

President & CEO

WESTMARC P: 623-435-0431 EXT: 204

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