Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Contact: Brian Rogers
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
(602) 604-2010


“I always say about any product or service, one of the staples I learned growing up is ‘caveat emptor,’ ‘buyer beware.’ I think that is a given in any commercial endeavor – I would certainly hope in this one. But yeah, I’m a broadcaster, and yeah I appeared in this, and yes it was a job. And that’s that. … It’s nothing I hid from, nothing
I’m ashamed of.” -- J.D. Hayworth, 6/21/10

**Watch video of Hayworth’s comments

PHOENIX, AZ -- Congressman J.D. Hayworth made national news yesterday after it was revealed that in 2007, he recorded a late-night infomercial for a company called National Grants Conferences (NGC). The company promises consumers it can teach them how to access “hundreds of billions of dollars” in “free money” from the federal government. In the infomercial, Hayworth uses his name and title as a former Member of Congress to lend credibility to NCG’s claims of “free money” and touts its services as “something you should take advantage of.”

If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is. National Grants Conferences has received an “F” from the Better Business
, and was kicked out of that organization. In 2006, NGC had to pay nearly $400,000 in fines and refunds to its victims to settle a consumer fraud lawsuit with the Attorney General of Vermont, who described the company’s business practices as “unconscionable and illegal.”

A year later, several state Attorneys General condemned the company in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission. And in 2009, an investigative report from KVOA-TV in Tucson exposed how NGC was ripping people off, including Oro Valley resident Denis Johnston, who lost more than $4,000 to the company.

Last night, appearing on a live Ustream broadcast, Congressman Hayworth offered no apology for his appearance in the scam infomercial, and instead coldly stated, “buyer beware.”

Apparently to Congressman Hayworth, if anyone got ripped off by the scam he helped sell, it was their fault, not his; even if the company he partnered with operates – as the Vermont Attorney General
put it – in an “unconscionable and illegal” manner: “I always say about any product or service, one of the staples I learned growing up is ‘caveat emptor,’ ‘buyer beware.’ I think that is a given in any commercial endeavor – I would certainly hope in this one. But yeah, I’m a broadcaster, and yeah I appeared in this, and yes it was a job. And that’s that. … It’s nothing I hid from, nothing
I’m ashamed of.” -- J.D. Hayworth, 6/21/10

**Watch video of Hayworth’s comments here**

**Watch Hayworth’s “free money” scam infomercial
McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers issued the following statement on Congressman Hayworth’s comments defending his “free government money” infomercial:
“‘Buyer beware’? More like ‘voters beware’ of Congressman Hayworth, who preaches fiscal conservatism but hawked the illusion of billions in ‘free government money’ for a company that ripped people off.” -- McCain 2010 Communications Director Brian Rogers


Stephen Kohut said...

Haven't seen you for weeks Jeff. I commented on Bob Bennett getting the boot in Utah and that Lee would win the primary with Tea party support What was that you posted about Bridgewater, McCain's 2008 Utah chair, being the Utah shoe in and you were LYOA? Rasmussen has your boy, McRINO solidly under 50% in a contested primary. Your boy has now accepted a minimum of 2 and possibly 3 televised debates with both challengers. If he feels secure, why accept the debates from the AZGOP?

Tony GOPrano said...

Stephen sorry I didn't answer you until now (we just got back from Prescott to celebrate my Mom's 82nd Birthday).

Lee won in Utah because he is a direct decendent of Brigham Young (I didn't know that until watching Fox last night). That is why he won in Utah.

My 'boy" is going to win this race by 20%, thanks to you.

I liked your comment on SA about JD dropping out; you are right. Deaken is much more honorable than JD.

Oh BTW, did you see that your 'boy" Glenn Beck said that Hayworth's Campaign Is Over!