Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama's plan to stay in power? Bailout his supporters.

Obama's plan to stay in power? Bailout his supporters.

Expose Obama

Today, Patrick Buchanan came out with a scathing attack on Obama's most recent bailout proposal.

Obama calls it an “emergency” measure to prevent “massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters.” Yet, none of the 20 million state, county or municipal workers can lose their job unless an elected legislature and a chief executive agree that they should go.

Obama is calling for a taxpayer rescue of the political class to which he belongs, to spare it the painful duty tens of thousands of business executives have had to perform.

Private employees -- 25 million of whom are out of work, underemployed or have given up looking for jobs—may be expendable, but government workers are not.

Buchanan sees right to the heart of the issue, which is not about saving jobs but about saving those who support Obama the most.

Government workers enjoy far greater job security than private-sector workers. At the state and local level, their average pay and benefits, about $40 an hour, far exceed...

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