Monday, June 07, 2010

Obama Needs To Come Clean On Job Offers

White House Memo Creates More Questions

By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

The news media, intimidated until now, have finally started challenging Obama and his stonewalling administration. The issue is the bribe Rep. Joe Sestak alleges the White House offered in exchange for exiting the U.S. Senate primary in Pennsylvania. In response to tough questioning, the Obama administration issued a report they promised would answer all. It has failed to stop the queries.

On the Friday evening of Memorial Day weekend, Obama’s team released their memo exonerating themselves from all wrongdoing in the bribery affair. Team Obama would like us all to believe that this self-generated report closes the file and the case. The problem is the memo raises more questions than it answers.

Representatives Darrell Issa, R-Calif.; Lamar Smith, R-Texas; and James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis. wrote in a response letter to the White House: "Rather than definitively resolve this matter, the memorandum had precisely the opposite effect: it appears to catalog a violation of the federal criminal code, the tampering of evidence, witness tampering and evasion of the legal process."

The report is riddled with inconsistencies and differs greatly from what previously has been alleged publicly. Let’s review the facts.

Rep. Joe Sestak first stated in February that someone within the Obama administration offered him a Federal job in exchange for him dropping out of the race.

The Congressman has stood by that contention under follow-up questioning. Sestak had this conversation with TV host Larry Kane.

Kane: "Were you ever offered a federal job to get out of this race?"

Sestak: "Yes."

Kane again asks, "Was there a job offered to you by the White House?" to which Sestak nods and replies "yes, someone offered it."

Kane asks "It was big right?"

Sestak replies "Let me ‘no comment’ on it."

"Was it high-ranking?" Kane questioned.

Sestak replied yes.

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