Thursday, June 24, 2010

NRA-PVF Endorses Arizona Governor Jan Brewer for Re-election

NRA-PVF Endorses Arizona Governor Jan Brewer for Re-election

Fairfax, Va. -- The National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is endorsing Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in the state’s August 24th Republican primary election.

Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF stated,
"Governor Brewer has earned this endorsement because of her outstanding record of support for Second Amendment issues as Governor, as Secretary of State and as a state legislator. She is a champion and strong defender of the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding Arizona gun owners, hunters and sportsmen."

During her tenure, Governor Brewer has defended and protected Arizonans' Second Amendment rights by strengthening Arizona’s preemption statute; recognizing the right to carry in restaurants; and protecting the right of employees to keep a firearm locked in their vehicles while parked on company property. Most recently, she became the second governor in the nation to sign a law recognizing the right of all lawful citizens to carry a firearm without a permit. Jan Brewer also maintained a perfect voting record during her twelve years of service in the Arizona Senate and House of Representatives.

Brewer’s support for the Second Amendment as the incumbent governor has earned her an "A+" rating and endorsement from NRA-PVF.

"On August 24th, I urge all Arizona NRA members and gun owners to vote Jan Brewer in the Republican primary election," Cox concluded.

Chris W. Cox is executive director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. He also serves as chairman of NRA-PVF. The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund is responsible for political candidate rankings. These are based on candidate voting records, public statements and responses to NRA-PVF questionnaires.

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. Four million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation's leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services.

Paid for by Governor Jan Brewer 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say I am surprised that Andrew Thomas received any endorsement from the NRA. He may have a flimsy pro-gun record but just try and show or use a gun of any type for a just cause in his jurisdiction and you will be facing jail time. My line of work has led me to know people that have been prosecuted by Andrew Thomas and forced to plead to felonies for simply showing or having a weapon in the open. The Thomas office calls that “brandishing” a weapon.

I have met several people who have stopped criminals in the act of committing felonies by firing a weapon who then were prosecuted and sent to jail. One person stopped vandalism and a break-in from occurring at their neighbor’s home, plead to shooting within the city limits and was sent to jail. Another person I know actually stopped a kidnapping by firing a gun but was then forced to plead to a felony and was sent to jail. The Thomas office called that “shooting into a structure”. In each of these cases there was no victim but the Andrew Thomas office declared Maricopa County the victim.

I don’t know who the NRA meant to endorse, but I think they were duped into supporting Thomas. Gun owner’s rights ARE NOT PROTECTED under an Andrew Thomas administration. Gun owners protecting their families, property and others should not be prosecuted like common criminals. Thomas touts a 94% conviction rate and 200,000 felony cases. What good is Andrew Thomas’ conviction record if it means any of the people being prosecuted are average good citizens with families, jobs, who own real property, who pay their taxes and who find it necessary to opt for jail time by pleading to felony charges rather than taking a chance in court of being sent to prison?

Don’t vote for Andrew Thomas. You might be next.