Thursday, June 03, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 3, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
his call for Rep. Issa to investigate the Sestak job offer: "This surprising change in Sestak's original story casts a high degree of suspicion on the Representative. Even though he declined the offer of an appointment in both versions of events, the revision of his original story could make him complicit in the cover-up of the commission of a crime."

White House Admits Job Offer Made to Andrew Romanoff

Romanoff Says White House Offered 3 Jobs

Damage Control on Romanoff Job Offer

White House Political Team Stumbles, Bumbles

The Limits of a Welfare State

Cartoon of the day, "Sounds Presidential"

Radical Judicial Nominee Jack McConnell's Disturbing ACORN Connections

The Real Face of ObamaCare

Obama Blames GOP and BP as he defends his agenda

The Supreme Court Hears the Sound of Silence

Spitzer Gives Revolving Door a Bad Name

CNN Poll Shows 56% Oppose ObamaCare

The Long, Hot Summer of Corruption

52% Disapprove of Obama's performance


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