Friday, June 18, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 18, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
Rep. Lamborn's bill to defund public broadcasting: "It's time for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to stand on its own two feet without taxpayer backing,. In these troubled economic times, with such pressure on taxpayers with a $13 trillion national debt spiraling out of control, it's time for Congress to consider cutting non-essential programs like public broadcasting."

Pelosi pulls DISCLOSE Act

Obama's answer to spill comes up short

Cartoon of the day, "Propping up Public Broadcasting"

Rep. Doug Lamborn: Tough Choices on Spending

Obey stalls Afghan war funding bill to get public sector union bailouts

A snakebit president

Sowell: A mind changing page

Democrats driving off a cliff

Obama admin. argues that individual mandate is a tax

George Will: On Afghanistan, fast forward

Secret watchdogs

FCC votes to reconsider regulating Internet Service Providers

Obama's endless summer of spending


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