Wednesday, June 16, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 16, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from
Driving right off the cliff: "To accept the arguments in favor of Barack Obama's $50 billion bailout of bankrupt state governments like California and New York, one has to believe that fiscal and monetary "stimulus" to date and other government interventions, totaling trillions of dollars, have merely been insufficient — and not a complete failure — to the task of restoring sustainable growth to the U.S. economy."

Obama promises a brighter day. (Details to come.)

Spill speech only the latest instance of Obama's vision deficit

BP doesn't deserve a liability cap

Did Jack McConnell lie about ACORN during his confirmation hearing?

Sen. Ted Kennedy offered to collaborate with Soviets against Reagan, KGB documents show

Congressman Doug Lamborn proposes legislation defunding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Donald Berwick: Dangerous to our health

Bonus bonanza for federal workers

Hard times for the French to work loner–to age 62

People's romance


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