Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 15, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
Obama's proposed $50 Billion States Bailout: "To ask for another $50 billion from taxpayers in these stressful economic times to balance state government budgets — money taxpayers don't even have and will instead have to borrow from overseas and the Federal Reserve — is an insult to the American people who are tightening their belts as they watch in horror as government grows"

Sowell: Oil vs. Snake Oil

God and oil spills

The gulf spill, financial crisis and government failure

Bailing out politicians now?

When Congressmen attack

Key ACORN leaders gather in D.C. to plan America's future…

Cartoon of the day, "U.S. in the World Cup"

The FTC, FCC, and FEC are going to war on free speech

White House relationship with press looking wet these days

Do laws even matter today?

Clinton finally ahead of Obama in popularity

Time to think differently on Public Sector Unions

Free Speech and Guns

Is public broadcasting hurting the arts?

Sen. Graham admits legislation is not about climate…

Read more at NetRightDaily.com.

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