Thursday, June 10, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 10, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day on
Sen. Jay Rockefeller announcing his support of the Murkowski resolution to stop the EPA: "Our nation's economy could literally be destroyed by the EPA if their regulatory authority on supposed greenhouse gases is not reined in. Senator Rockefeller's decision to vote for the Murkowski resolution is a courageous step to reject the Obama Administration and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on this important issue."

Politicians cause downsizing

Jobs report a nightmare for Obama's progressivism

Welcome to Oz: Obama meets Toto

Sen. Murkowski's Resolution Blocking EPA Action Gains Democratic Support

Will the Senate curb the EPA's power?

Cartoon of the day, "America's CEO"

Organized labor flushed their members' cash down the toilet

How Blago will turn his trial into a spectacle

IBD: Storm Ahead

The Bipolar Express

Some on the left not happy with Democrats

It's All Theater

A Rotten Bunch: What is it with the corruption and dishonesty of Illinois politicians?


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