Tuesday, June 01, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 1, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from the
"New Jersey Plan": "Fortunately, now that Obama's $23 billion states bailout is dead — for now — troubled states like New York, California, and New Jersey are actually going to have to balance their budgets. Call it tough medicine. Call it the New Jersey Plan."

In a Welfare State, How Much is 'Enough'?

The Cartoon of the Day: The Bottom of the Gulf

The New Jersey Plan

White House Can't Get Its Sestak Story Straight

O Goes 'Washington'

Fannie, Freddie Still Pose Threat to U.S. Financial System

Obama's Glamour Problem

In the Koreas, Five Possible Ways to War

BP Abandons 'Top Kill'

Oil Spill Makes for Interesting Primaries in Mississippi and Alabama

GOP Aims to Revive ObamaCare Debate

The Union Pension Bailout

Read more at NetRightDaily.com.

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